My 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Membership in this program comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
If at any time, a student or a paying parent thinks that this site’s program is not worth the money, he can cancel and get a full refund. This is good for 60 days: 35 lessons per course. This time limit is as much as the credit card merchant accounts allow.
I want everyone who signs up for this curriculum to be happy. I am confident that most students will see the value of it. But no one can please everyone, as I discovered in Congress. So, I want everyone to know that I bear 100% of the financial risk.
This offer also applies to each of the courses, for which there is a fee. They also come with a 100% money-back guarantee. The same time limit also applies.
~Ron Paul
Getting started with the Ron Paul Curriculum
Remember your membership and every course is protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee!