In this episode you’ll learn about the Mathematics 6 course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This course is taught by Dr. Benjamin Richards and is targeted at 6th graders.
Freedom Quote
“A free society is inextricably linked to a morally upright people.” ~Dr. Benjamin Richards
Course Overview
The main objective of the 6th grade mathematics course is to ensure that students have a firm understanding of the most important mathematical fundamentals especially arithmetic. Students are taught to think mathematically which means to understand the structure of mathematics and to be able to use that understanding to solve real-world problems.
Students will be encouraged to use a study notebook to maximize the potential of their mathematics education.
You can click here to learn more about this course and the Ron Paul Curriculum.
Current Educational Journey
Doing activities with my three sons and helping them develop and explore their interests.
What If I’d Had the RPC
I would have had the opportunity to learn subjects from expert instructors whom were enthusiastic and knowledgeable.
Advice to Parents
Let your students go at their own pace and don’t worry about the grade numbers. Choose the course that matches their ability.
Advice to Students
Don’t try to take any short cuts. Also during any school breaks, try to continue to think about mathematics so you do not become rusty with the subject.
Recommended Book
Idols for Destruction: The Conflict of Christian Faith and American Culture by Herbert Schlossberg. You can purchase this book at
Success Habit
Keep focus on things you decide to do. Take responsibility for your life. Make what you can of it, work hard, save, do the best you can, be responsible, be honest and treat people respectfully.
About the Instructor
Dr. Benjamin Richards is a mathematics instructor for the Ron Paul Curriculum for grades 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th.
He received his bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Covenant College in Georgia. Then earned his master’s and PhD degrees in optical sciences from the College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona for research performed in the area of semiconductor cavity quantum electrodynamics. He is now an engineer on the Advanced Concepts Team of the R&D division of a photovoltaics manufacturer in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is married and has three young boys.
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