Richard Emmons
Host of the Ron Paul Homeschooling Podcast
Richard Emmons and his wife Kathleen homeschooled their four daughters for 19 years. During this time, Richard coached homeschool speech and debate for 7 years.
Richard is the instructor of the Ron Paul Curriculum's "Business II: Launch Your Business" course.
In 2012, Richard served as founding president of Rogue Valley Networking Toastmasters and has been an active member ever since. Richard’s thirty-plus years in business include being a marketing consultant, Chief Financial Officer, and managing a professional office building and executive suites business. In 2014, Richard was named “Man of the Year” by the Grants Pass and Josephine County Chamber of Commerce. Richard has served as a board member of the Grants Pass (Oregon) Gospel Rescue Mission since 2000. He has served as a team leader for Concerned Fathers Against Crime since 2000. Richard and Kathleen have been members of Faith Presbyterian Church since moving to Grants Pass, Oregon in 1998.
Richard has been an avid reader of Dr. Ron Paul and Dr. Gary North since 1983. He is excited about the Ron Paul Curriculum and how it will help homeschooling families through the high school years and into college. “I wish the Ron Paul Curriculum was available when I was in school. I would have avoided boredom and finished college in a couple of years. I really wish the Ron Paul Curriculum was around to help our daughters when we were homeschooling them.”