In this episode of the Ron Paul Homeschooling Podcast, you’ll learn about the Physical Science course of the Ron Paul Curriculum as Richard Emmons interviews instructor John Hamilton.

Freedom Quote

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” ~Benjamin Franklin

Course Overview

Students learn the foundational principles of physical science by studying physics and chemistry. Students then learn to think through problems by applying these scientific principles to meteorology, geology and astronomy. This course is targeted at 9th graders and helps prepare them to pass the science CLEP examination.

You can click here to learn more about this course and the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Are search engines affecting how the brain works? Read John Hamilton’s article at the Ron Paul Curriculum website.  “Search Engines in Science Education: Crutches That Weaken

Read this article by John Hamilton before you choose your college major, “Where the Top-Paying Jobs Are Today.”

Current Educational Journey

I am trying to always improve. Currently reading books on conversation, wealth, distance education and ways to educate more people using YouTube, and teaching my students at the university.

What If I’d Had the RPC

I would have been able to study and learn the subjects at my own pace.

Advice to Parents

Students need to put effort into learning and understanding. They can’t take the easy way out.

Advice to Students

If you are having a hard time with a course, read the material quickly, listen to the lectures and then go back and do it again the next day. Your brain will be more receptive to the information once you review it again.

Recommended Book

The Trouble With Physics by Lee Smolin. You can purchase this book at

About the Instructor

Science RonPaulHomeschooling.comMr. John Hamilton has a BS and MS in mechanical engineering. He has worked professionally as an engineer both as a company employee and as an independent consultant. He has spent over a decade teaching Engineering and Science to university students and understands both how to teach complex topics and what students need to know to be able to succeed in the STEM fields. He also teaches the 12th grade Physics course for RPC.

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