In this interview with Richard Emmons, Dr. Gary North explains how learning and applying business success secrets like the 80/20 rule and direct response marketing techniques will keep students ahead of the robots in the years ahead.

Course Overview: Business I: Introduction to Business

  • Why should students study business in high school?
  • How can students stay ahead of the robots in the years ahead?
  • Why learning a skilled trade before college creates a competitive advantage
  • What is the 80/20 rule and how can it help students be successful in school and business?
  • Will salespeople be replaced by robots?
  • What is direct response advertising?
  • How can direct response advertising techniques maximize a business’ profits?
  • Why should students post their writing assignments on a personal blog?
  • How can students earn money promoting the Ron Paul Curriculum?
  • How does the Ron Paul Curriculum let parents be involved in their students’ education without doing the teaching?
  • Why the Ron Paul Curriculum’s business courses give students an “unfair advantage” getting into college

You can watch the first 5 lessons of the Business I course for free by clicking here

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About the Instructor

Economics Gary North Ron Paul CurriculumDr. Gary North is the author of over 60 books, including Honest Money, Salvation Through Inflation, and a 31-volume Economic Commentary of the Bible. He has published the Remnant Review newsletter since 1974. He has written over 1,700 articles on Lew Dr. North received his Ph.D. in American history from the University of California, Riverside.

Dr. North teaches economics, American history, business, government, and the high school English courses for the Ron Paul Curriculum.

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